
soapbox gallery

Soapbox Gallery is dedicated to presenting music, performance and works of art that engage the issues of our time.

The room itself is a beautiful, meditative environment that was designed with state-of-the art acoustics to showcase exceptional musicianship from around the world.

The gallery was founded on the premise that art and culture are powerful reminders of our shared humanity, which can help to shape identity and promote social evolution.

Soapbox was inspired by the idea that a simple, humble box–that one stands on and delivers a speech from–can start a movement and perhaps even help to change the world.

It’s our mission to create space for civil conversation between those with differing views. The intent of our programming is to create a dialogue where everyone has a seat at the table.

音楽を愛する日本の皆様、Soapbox Galleryにようこそ!


音楽は文化を讃えるとともに、豊かな人間性を育む力があります。また私たちは音楽を通し世界中でコミュニティを築き上げていくことができると信じています。そんなSoapbox Galleryのビジョンと活動を広く伝えていくためにご支援·ご協力いただければ幸いです。