Fusion energy researcher Eric Lerner explains why an all-out program for fusion energy, the energy source of the Sun, is essential to humanity’s future. We will be screening the award-winning documentary ”Let There be Light”, followed by Mr Lerner’s update on the status of fusion research today and especially the work of LPPFusion, Inc, where he is President and Chief Scientist. LPPFusion is now the leading private fusion energy research company in the race to achieve a working fusion generator in the next decade. Lerner has been active in fusion research for 35 years. Beginning in 1984, he developed a detailed quantitative theory of the functioning of a fusion device called the dense plasma focus. Under a series of contracts with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he planned and participated in carrying out experiments that tested and confirmed this theory. In 2009, he led LPPFusion's effort to establish its own laboratory in Middlesex NJ to complete the research needed to prove that the DPF, using hydrogen-boron fuel, could be the basis of a cheap, safe, clean and unlimited energy source that would entirely replace fossil fuels. This research is now continuing, with the first tests with hydrogen-boron fuel expected within months.